Friday, July 10, 2015

Are we missing something here Zahra?

The latest thing going viral now is the #sayazahra speech. While I can understand the woes she has highlighted as a fresh graduate and the financial situation she is going through living paycheck to paycheck... what I fail to understand is why she thinks this situation only applies to malays and bumiputras?

I am pretty sure it affects all the youths of her generation. Unless she is insinuating that there is some sort of double standards when it comes to the hiring of graduates or only the malay and bumiputras are poor.

Hmmm....all I can say is I can relate to her plight but it is the same for all races. The high standard of living and non-commensurative remuneration is a problem that impacts everyone.


A repeated attempt

Here we go again.  I have been trying to reinstate my blogging habits to no avail in the past few years. I don't know why but the habit just won't stick but when I look back at my old postings it brings back many fond memories which I never would have reflected upon had I not blogged it.

So here is to me giving it one more go to start blogging again. My little record of things I have done, felt, experienced or reminisced upon.

Wish me luck!!