Tuesday, October 16, 2012


There are just times when things just click... and when those times come about... you cherish them... not everyone can make you smile to yourself or laugh like an idiot out loud without even being by your side...So when you do find someone like that, you hang on tight and hope that things always remain the same...

Sometimes things may change but you should always try... because without trying it will definitely change... but if you try... maybe, just maybe it's for keeps...and that is worth trying for.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Cruising in and about...

Check out what just rolled into town.... my sexy new ride!! Woohoo!!!

Sleek lines in storm silver just makes this beauty a sight for sore eyes... love my new CRZ... it drives so smooth it just feels like it's gliding.

I'm gonna feel so much better driving to work... :) SO excited. *clap hands*

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A little pampering...

Had a not so great week and needed some self indulgence.... went for a pedicure to cheer myself up... helped a bit but my spirits are down... :(

Still thinking when my decision was a mistake. Maybe it really isn't my place... how could things turn so bad in my 7 year absence? How could people get so insecure that having me come in as a manager be a threat to them.

It sometimes hurts to know that as simplistic and innocent as your intent can be, it will still be construed as a malicious act... *shrugs* it's only been 4 weeks and I already feel tired... God help me...

As you can see I am highly disturbed by my current situation. Even pampering does little to ease the troubles in my heart and mind.

I do hope things change for the better... *fingered crossed*

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Coming out of the Shell

2 years and 27 days later, I am now leaving Shell. It is a bittersweet feeling leaving my colleagues and friends and moving to bigger better things..

I am excited yet a bit afraid of what is in store for me... Will let you know how it pans out. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Blog Resolution...

I am obviously not progressing well with my new blog although I am suppose to be turning over a new page... So let me make a resolution.. a blog resolution...

Come 10th Sept 2012, my first day of my new job, I will blog at least twice a month if not more...

There, Ai Chin you have committed yourself. Now behave. :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No turning back...

I have decided to be the bigger fish in the pond and forsake the sea.. Is it a wise decision, that remains to be seen.

I am looking forward with excitement but yet worried about what may come. I constantly ask myself, was it the right decision? Will I regret?

I stand here at the brink of leaving a company which I have wanted for many years to be part of. From the day I graduated until that faithful call offering me the position. It was obviously too good to be true that a such a company would come knocking at my door.

Yet, there is this lingering feeling of doubt. Do I not trust myself and my own judgement or am I just afraid of an unknown. Well 10th September 2012 would be the moment of truth.

Wish me luck!


I struggle to find the balance of communicating enough and communicating too much.. When is the line crossed?

Maybe I'm naive to think that I should be open about everything that goes on around me but then again I get reprimanded when I don't. I really wonder where is that fine line. Is it me or is it the other at fault? Perhaps it is me. *shrug*
It is a constant balancing act. Then again why should I apologise for being honest and up front?

I really don't know what is better. I used to think that honestly and openness is crucial but then I'm told it's also irritating. Haih.. It's a difficult juggle.

I just need to find my way...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I am once again plagued with a dilemma of decisions...

Should I go or should I stay? Plankton in the sea or Fish in a pond?

Is happiness rated more important than security? Is immediate tangibility more important than potential possibilities? I keep going round in circles on this. I struggle...

Decisions decisions....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life! Here I am...

It's now MY time...

I have been to some places... Done some things.....

but it's now time to do it all, see it all and BE IT ALL!

You are welcome to join me in turning the pages of the next chapter.

Ai Chin